
What to Do When Your House Doesn’t Sell

Selling a home can be a challenging and emotionally taxing experience, especially when the house lingers on the market longer than anticipated. As days turn into weeks and then months, it’s natural to feel frustrated or worried about the lack of offers. However, there are proactive steps you can take to improve your chances of closing a deal. Whether it’s reassessing your pricing strategy, enhancing your home’s appeal, or exploring alternative selling methods, understanding why your house isn’t selling is the first step toward finding a solution. In this blog post, we’ll explore practical tips and strategies to help you navigate this tricky situation and get your home sold.

When Should You Start Getting Worried About Your House Not Selling? 

When selling a house, it’s natural to feel a bit anxious if your property doesn’t attract immediate offers. However, the point at which you should start worrying depends on various factors, including market conditions, your home’s price point, and how long similar homes in your area take to sell. Generally, if your home has been on the market for 30 to 45 days without significant interest or offers, it might be time to reassess your strategy.

The real estate market is highly dynamic, and what’s considered a “normal” time to sell can vary widely. In a hot seller’s market, homes might go under contract within days or even hours, so any delay could be cause for concern. On the other hand, in a slower market, homes can take several months to sell. If similar properties in your area are selling within a shorter time frame, yet your home remains unsold, this could be an indicator that something is amiss.

It’s important to start evaluating potential issues after the first few weeks. If your home has been on the market for 60 days or more without an offer, this is typically a red flag. At this point, you should consult with your real estate agent to discuss feedback from showings, reconsider your asking price, or explore other factors that might be hindering the sale. Addressing these concerns promptly can make the difference between eventually finding the right buyer and having your home linger on the market indefinitely.

Things to Do When Your House Doesn’t Sell

Evaluate Your Application of the Agent’s Advice

The image shows two people sitting at a table engaged in a discussion, likely related to real estate or financial planning. One person is holding a pen and pointing at a document with charts and numbers, possibly explaining or reviewing details. The other person is sitting with their hands clasped, listening attentively. On the table, there are various items including a clipboard with a document, a small wooden model of a house, a calculator, and more papers. The overall scene suggests a professional consultation, possibly regarding a real estate transaction, mortgage, or financial advice.

One of the first steps you should take when your house isn’t selling is to critically assess how well you’ve followed the advice given by your real estate agent. A skilled agent brings years of experience and market knowledge to the table, offering guidance on everything from pricing strategies to staging tips. However, even the best advice can fall flat if not executed properly. Remember, your agent has a vested interest in helping you sell your home quickly and at the best possible price.

Start by revisiting the suggestions your agent made at the beginning of the selling process. Did you take their advice on setting the initial price, or did you insist on a higher number, hoping to negotiate down later? Overpricing is one of the most common reasons a property remains unsold. In a competitive market, buyers have plenty of options, and an overpriced home is often quickly dismissed in favor of more reasonably priced alternatives. It might be time to reconsider if you haven’t fully embraced your agent’s pricing strategy.

Beyond pricing, consider other recommendations your agent may have made, such as home staging, curb appeal improvements, or minor repairs. These suggestions are often based on what appeals to buyers in your specific market. For example, if your agent recommended decluttering and modernizing certain rooms, but you were reluctant to make those changes, your home might not be showing as well as it could be. Take a critical look at your property through the eyes of potential buyers and see if there’s room for improvement. Sometimes, small adjustments can make a big difference in how your home is perceived and, ultimately, how quickly it sells.

Lastly, remember that communication with your agent is key. If you have concerns about their advice or if something doesn’t seem to be working, discuss it openly. Your agent is your partner in this process, and they can only help if they know where you stand. Together, you can re-evaluate strategies, make necessary adjustments, and increase the chances of selling your home successfully.

Switch Real Estate Agents

If your house has been on the market for an extended period without significant interest, it may be time to consider switching real estate agents. While many factors can contribute to a home not selling—such as market conditions, pricing, or the property itself—your agent’s effectiveness plays a crucial role. A fresh perspective and a new approach could be what’s needed to finally attract the right buyers.

Start by evaluating your current agent’s performance. Are they proactive in marketing your home? Have they provided you with regular updates and honest feedback? Do they have a solid understanding of the local market? If your agent hasn’t met your expectations in these areas, it might be time to explore other options. A different agent may offer a more aggressive marketing strategy, a larger network of potential buyers, or simply a better understanding of how to showcase your home’s unique features.

When choosing a new real estate agent, look for someone with a proven track record of selling homes similar to yours in your area. Ask for references, check their recent sales history, focusing on recently sold homes similar to yours in your area, and inquire about their approach to marketing and negotiation. Remember, switching agents is not just about finding someone new; it’s about finding someone better suited to help you achieve your goal of selling your home.

Get People In The Door

The image shows a real estate agent welcoming a couple into a bright, spacious room, likely during a home showing. The couple, a man and a woman, are entering through the front door with smiles on their faces. The man is holding the door open while the woman walks in first, carrying a handbag. The real estate agent, dressed in a navy blue suit, is standing inside the room, gesturing with one hand, possibly pointing out features of the home or inviting them further inside. The room has light-colored hardwood floors, white walls with wainscoting, and large windows that allow natural light to flood the space, creating a welcoming atmosphere.

One of the most crucial steps in selling your home is ensuring that potential buyers are walking through the door. If your house has been on the market for a while with few or no showings, it’s time to reassess your strategy to make it more appealing and accessible to prospective buyers.

Start by evaluating your home’s curb appeal. The exterior of your home is the first thing buyers see, setting the tone for what they can expect inside. A well-maintained lawn, fresh paint, and clean windows can make a significant difference in drawing interest to attract buyers.

Next, rethink your marketing efforts. In today’s digital age, online listings are often the first point of contact for potential buyers. Ensure that your listing photos are high quality and showcase your home’s best features. If necessary, invest in a professional photographer or virtual staging to make your home stand out.

When it comes to showings, it’s important to make your home as accessible and welcoming as possible. A key part of this is ensuring that you, the homeowner, are not present during showings. Buyers need to feel comfortable exploring the space and imagining themselves living there, which can be difficult if the current owner is hovering nearby. Give them the freedom to take their time and ask the agent questions without feeling rushed or awkward. Scheduling open houses or flexible showing times when you’re not home will make it easier for more people to visit and could lead to more serious interest. Remember, the more people who walk through your door, the higher the chances of receiving an offer.

Get Buyer Feedback

One of the most valuable actions you can take when your house isn’t selling is to gather feedback from potential buyers. After each showing, ask your real estate agent to contact the buyer’s agent and inquire about their client’s thoughts. Understanding what buyers like and dislike about your property can provide critical insights into why offers aren’t coming in. Perhaps there are issues you were unaware of, such as an off-putting odor, outdated fixtures, or a layout that isn’t as functional as you thought.

Collecting this feedback helps you identify patterns or common concerns. If multiple buyers mention the same issue—such as the kitchen feeling too small or the home being priced too high—you’ll know it needs attention. Addressing these concerns could involve making small improvements, adjusting the price, or simply highlighting certain features differently in your marketing.

In addition to practical adjustments, buyer feedback can help you and your agent better tailor your strategy moving forward. For example, if buyers consistently say the home is priced above market value, it may be time to reconsider your pricing strategy. Conversely, if buyers love the house but are put off by something external, like neighborhood noise, you might need to refocus your marketing efforts on buyers who are less concerned with that factor or emphasize other benefits, such as a nearby park or excellent school district. Listening to what potential buyers have to say is a proactive way to turn a stalled sale into a successful transaction.

Consider Offering Buyer Agent Compensation

When your house isn’t selling as quickly as you’d hoped, one effective strategy to increase interest is to consider offering a competitive buyer agent compensation. In many real estate markets, the buyer’s agent plays a crucial role in guiding prospective buyers toward properties that meet their criteria. By offering a generous commission to the buyer’s agent, you create a financial incentive for them to show your home to more clients, potentially increasing the number of interested buyers.

A higher commission can set your property apart from others in the market, especially if local competition is stiff. Agents are more likely to prioritize homes that offer a better payout, which means your property might receive more showings and, consequently, more offers.

Offer Incentives

When your house has been on the market longer than expected, offering incentives can be an effective way to attract potential buyers and close the deal. Buyers today are savvy and often looking for that extra edge that makes a property stand out. By offering incentives, you create additional value that can tip the scales in your favor, especially in a competitive market.

One common incentive is to offer to cover closing costs. Closing costs can be a significant financial burden for many buyers, especially first-time homeowners. Taking this expense off their plate reduces their upfront costs, making your property more appealing.

Incentives can be the key to differentiating your property from others on the market, helping to attract more buyers and ultimately secure a sale. The right incentive, whether financial assistance, added conveniences, or valuable extras, can make your home more attractive and encourage buyers to act.

Explore Alternative Selling Routes

The image depicts two yellow road signs against a clear blue sky. The top sign is a diamond-shaped warning sign with a black symbol showing a fork in the road, indicating a split path or a decision point ahead. Below it is a rectangular sign with the word "DECIDE" in bold black letters.

When your house isn’t selling as quickly as you’d hoped, it may be time to explore alternative selling routes to find the best solution for your situation. Traditional methods, such as listing your home on the market, don’t always yield quick results, especially in a slow market or if your property has unique challenges. Fortunately, there are several other strategies you can consider to sell your home efficiently.

For instance, Bernie Gallerani Real Estate offers an Instant Offer Program, which can be a game-changer for homeowners looking to sell quickly without the hassle of prolonged negotiations or waiting for buyer financing. With this program, you can receive a fair cash offer on your home, allowing you to close the deal faster and move on with your plans. This is particularly beneficial if you need to relocate quickly, avoid foreclosure, or want to bypass the traditional home-selling process.

Bernie Gallerani Real Estate also provides a 30-Day Home Sale Guarantee Program. This program is designed to offer peace of mind to sellers by guaranteeing the sale of their home within 30 days, or the company will buy it. This unique guarantee ensures you won’t be left in limbo, wondering when—or if—your house will sell. Instead, you can confidently move forward, knowing your home sale is assured within a specific timeframe.

By exploring these alternative selling routes, you can take control of your home-selling process and find the best solution that meets your needs. Whether you’re looking for a quick cash sale or the security of a guaranteed timeline, these options can provide the flexibility and certainty that traditional methods may lack.

Selling a home that isn’t attracting buyers can be frustrating, but you can turn the situation around with the right strategies and support. Whether you need to adjust your pricing, enhance your home’s appeal, or consider alternative selling options, taking action is key to finding the right buyer.

If your home is located in Middle Tennessee, Bernie Gallerani Real Estate is here to help. With a deep understanding of the local market and a range of innovative programs designed to sell your home quickly and efficiently, our team is dedicated to ensuring you achieve your real estate goals. Don’t leave your home sale to chance—reach out to Bernie Gallerani Real Estate today to discuss how we can get your property sold.

Here’s what one of our satisfied clients had to say about their experience with Bernie Gallerani Real Estate:

“I consider myself a hard sell with salespeople, and real estate agents fall into this category. It can be a lot of commission, and agents tend to be motivated by the dollar signs. Sellers, however, tend to be emotionally vested in selling their home. A seller wants an agent who can move the property quickly, at the best price, with the least concessions and the most empathy possible. It takes a vested, well-trained, and experienced agent to get that done. Bernie Gallerani Real Estate is all that and more. We had gone through two agents in nine months. When we met our BGRE agent, we were 100% sure they were the right agent for us. They presented information about our home, the comps, the market, and their marketing strategy. Oftentimes, I read these reviews, and I think, oh, the agent just lowered the price to sell it. That was not the case. They relisted at the price we were at, rebranded the property, intensified the marketing, and had us in a contract in 3 weeks. Their communication was excellent. They knew when to have a phone conversation and when it was appropriate to text. They remained a calming force when emotions ran high and were often the voice of reason, giving great direction and advice. The interaction did not stop with the signed contract. They were present and available proactively through inspection and closing. Even when we needed an agent in our new state, they did the due diligence and found us the best fit so we would have the same experience in our new location. The only thing you could do wrong when choosing Bernie Gallerani Real Estate is not using them from day one. They were by far and away the best part of this process!”

Ready to see similar results? Contact Bernie Gallerani Real Estate today and take the first step toward a successful home sale.

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